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На главную arrow Media & Accessories arrow Картриджи arrow Sony arrow Cartridge SONY SDX2-50C 50/100GB

Cartridge SONY SDX2-50C 50/100GB

Get 50GB of uncompressed data and 130GB of compressed data with this AIT-2 230M tape cartridge. With the need for higher capacity, higher transfer rate, and faster access time, Sony has developed AIT, Advanced Intelligent Tape. This 230 meter long, 8mm wide tape is designed for use in 50/130GB AIT2 drives. It includes the MIC memory chip in the cartridge. This chip stores Table of Contents and file location information. Reduced access time: delivers information to the host computer immediately where conventional tapes must rewind to the beginning of the tape. Thus, less drive and media wear due to less shuttle requirements.

Access your data faster with MIC. Only Sony’s AIT solution features Memory-In-Cassette (MIC), a 16 kbit memory chip built into the data cartridge which speeds access to your data. Unlike conventional tape drives that must rewind to the beginning of the tape to read the system log and find the desired file, the MIC chip provides sophisticated data access capability that allows users to load and unload the tape at any of its 256 on-tape partitions, and locate the file in seconds.

  • Hyper Evaticle Layer is a 100% cobalt layer which ensures high signal output
  • DLC (Diamond Like Coating) protective layer increases durability and archivability
  • Finely Textured Lubricant improves runability, withstanding the wear of up to 20 000 passes
  • Memory In Cassette (MIC) improves media data access time, with a built-in 64 kB EEPROM to store TOC and file location information
Tape Media Type AIT
Native Capacity 50
Native Capacity Measurement Unit GB
Compressed Capacity 130
Compressed Capacity Measurement Unit GB
Money Back Guarantee N/A
Parts Warranty Lifetime
Labor Warranty N/A

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